Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just a thought

original posting:  21 April 2007

i had a thought today. i find it strange how things tend to be with people these days.
i happen to want a good thing. i would love for someone to just come out of nowhere... become a great friend... spend time with me... just be awesome and one day say... "you know what... i really love spending time with you. i would love it if i could have you all to myself". tell you what... i wouldn't know what to say. i would be open mouthed, drop jawed and speechless. how uncommon for someone to realize what a good thing is and pair that with going after what you want. but... i can also wait. sure, i may not be going out of my way to find someone... but with so few who are this way... and ready to get it... no reason to search for something that cannot be found, right?
what do you say to such honesty and vulnerability? especially when it is obvious that this person rocks. you let someone close... and they prove only that you were right in letting them in? you let them inside... and they prove that all they want is to make you happy as well.
that thought alone makes me smile. but i wonder if it happens anymore. sure people get together. sure people go after what they want. but all i hear about is how so and so used me... or so and so cheated on me... or so and so changed... there is such a lack of honesty and faithfulness. people spend so much time looking... and the irony is that sometimes those wonderful and awesome people are very very close to them.
there is never a better time than now... you know? you wait long enough... and someone who isn't afraid to take a chance, someone who wants a good thing, someone who is ready and not afraid will take away that awesome thing that was right in front of you. one of life's greatest lessons is that we usually don't notice until it is too late what is right in front of us. and we usually want to blame everyone and everything but ourselves.
if that someone is ever right in front of me... i will be damned if i don't at least say something. what is the worst that could happen?

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