Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life is Life... as always

original posting: 19 December 2006

well, what do you know. life is life... as always.
what is it about people, that causes them to completely glaze over all the little things they do that are basically fucked up. they treat you wrong, the ignore you, the forget you exist, they shuffle you to the bottom of the important person folder, and then act like nothing ever happened. they are all smiles, all laughs, hugs and kisses while you are around.
is it because they know you are awesome, or at least awesome to them, and don't want to lose you so they treat you like you matter when you are there, or is it all a lie that for some reason or another gets played out in front of you just for your benefit.
i don't know what to make of it really. people just are strange. i know when someone is important to me... not only do i tell them... i show them. i will always want to show someone more than i ever will need to.

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